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Diamond on Vinyl poster. Courtesy Independent Movie Supply Co.

Henry (Brian McGuire) & Charlie (Sonja Kinski). Courtesy J.R. Hughto.

Charlie (Sonja Kinski). Courtesy J.R. Hughto.

Henry (Brian McGuire). Courtesy J.R. Hughto.

Charlie (Sonja Kinski) and her photos. Courtesy Independent Movie Supply Co.

Charlie (Sonja Kinski) and Rose (Katherine Pawlak). Courtesy Independent Movie Supply Co.

Charlie (Sonja Kinski) and her recorder. Courtesy Independent Movie Supply Co.

Charlie (Sonja Kinski) embraces Beth (Nina Millin). Courtesy Independent Movie Supply Co.

Henry (Brian McGuire) stalks George in his home. Courtesy Independent Movie Supply Co.

Henry (Brian McGuire) & Charlie (Sonja Kinski). Courtesy Independent Movie Supply Co.

Nina Millin as shot by Sonja Kinski during a take. Courtesy Independent Movie Supply Co.

Beth (Nina Millin) finds Henry's recorder. Courtesy Independent Movie Supply Co.

Director J.R. Hughto with Jessica Golden (Kate) shot by Sonja Kinski. Courtesy Independent Movie Supply Co.